We have close ties to the following organizations:

The organization to which Hikari Dojo belongs: California Aikido Association (CAA)

The Home Dojo established by the founder O’Sensei: Hombu Dojo (Aikikai)

A local yoga center for which Sensei given workshops: Shraddha Yoga Amherst

Center where Anandi Ma the spiritual leader of Kundalini Maha Yoga teaches: Dhyanyoga Centers

IAF (International Aikido Federation): federation of National aikido organizations, which are directly affiliated withh Hombu Dojo in Japan.

Aikido San Leandro (Headquarters of CAA Division 1 (our division)

USAF (US Aikido Federation): An important Aikido federation whose headquarters is located in New York City.

Aikido organization run by Hitohira Saito (son of Morihiro  Saito). Saito Shihan trained with O’Sensei for 23 years and lived next door to him: Iwama Shin Shin

Sanatana Dharma Satsang is a nonprofit organization that teaches and promotes the ancient law/right path gathering of people together to learn and share spiritual teachings. https://www.dharmasatsang.org/